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一、 商业票据(commercial paper) 二、 国债(treasury bill) 三、 银行存单(certificate of deposit) 四、公司债券(corporate bond) 五、 抵押债券(mortgage) 六、回购协议(repurchase agreement)
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What is economics? Normative Definition Economics is the science that studies how to efficiently allocate economic resources Positive definition economics is the science that studies how an economy operates or how economic variables are
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一、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分) 1、国内生产净值 2.有效需求: 3.财政政策: 4.边际消费倾向: 5.通货膨胀:
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第一章 导论、第二章 宏观经济学的基本概念、第三章 产量的决定——引入总供给和总需求
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11.1税收的一般原理 11.2税法概述 11.3商品税法 11.4所得税法 11.5财产税法 11.6税收征管法
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10.1财政的一般原理 10.2财政法概述 10.3财政收支划分法和转移支付法 10.4预算法 10.5国债法 10.6政府采购法
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2.2 three approaches to measure GDP 2.3 Ni pi DPl 2.4 MPS VS SNA 2.5 saving and wealth, stock and flow
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7.1 Fiscal policies and effects 7.2 Monetary policies and effects 7.3 Policy mix 7.4 Economic fluctuation and eliminating the fluctuations with economic policies 7.5 Macroeconomic policy practice
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Topics to be Discussed Basic principles of building macroeconomic model Micro basis of macroeconomics &Choices of households Choices of firms Introduction to labor market
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