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§1、概述 §2、滚动轴承的代号 §3、滚动轴承的类型和选择 §4、滚动轴承的力分析、失效和计算准则 §5、滚动轴承的动载荷和寿命计算 §6、静载荷计算(自学) §7、极限转速(自学) §8、成对安装角接触轴承的计算特点(自学) §9、滚动轴承组合设计
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§1 概述 §2 滑动轴承的主要类型 §3 轴瓦结构 §4 滑动轴承材料 §5 滑动轴承的条件性计算 §6 液体动力润滑的基本方程式 §7 液体动力润滑径向轴承的计算
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西北大学:《化工原理》课程教学资源(电子教案)第二章 流体输送机械
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蜗杆传动概述 失效形式与设计准则 材料选择与结构形式 主要参数和几何关系 蜗杆传动受力分析 蜗杆传动的强度计算 蜗杆传动的挠度计算 蜗杆传动的润滑、温度计算
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§ 1链传动概述 § 2链传动的结构和材料 § 3链传动的运动特性 § 4链传动的受力分析 § 5链传动的设计计算 § 6链传动的合理布置与张 § 7链传动的润滑
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1. The working principle of hydraulic coupler and hydrodynamic torque converter 2. The structure and principle of hydro￾mechanical transmission 3. The control mechanism of automatic transmission 4. Continuous variable transmission
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Working Principle of Braking System; Composition of Braking System; Types of Braking System; Types ,Characteristics & Application of Drum Brake & Disc Brake; Operation Method of Braking System; Function & Working Principle of Braking Force Regulator
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Summarize; Steering control mechanism; Steering gear; Steering transmission mechanism ; Hydraulic power steering system; Chapter twenty-three Steering system
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The composition, function and classification of suspension; Structure form of common springs; Structure form of common dampers; rigid axle suspension ; independent suspension ; balanced suspension of multi-axle vehicle; active suspension and semi-active suspension
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The function and types of the axle; Solid axles, live axle and steering dive axle; Wheel alignment; The type, construction feature and representation method of the wheel; The type,construction feature and representation method of the tire
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