Case patient xxx, female, 35 years old Symptom: amenorrhea for47days; spot vaginal bleeding for days; sudden abdominal pain for 2 hours. Signs: Bp 12/8Kpa, P 120 times/min, abdominal tenderness and rebound tenderness(+); sharp pain on motion of the cervix
How to Improve Your Spoken English literature: instrumental and integrative motivation. Instrumental motivation is one in which the learner desires to use the language as a tool to achieve some desirable ends. In contrast, an integrative motivation is one in which \learners may choose to learn a particular L2 because they are interested in the people and culture represented by the target-language group\(Ellis, 1997, p75). In various contexts, both motivations have proved important. Of course, students can have both types of motivation at the same time
Example 2: (p175-12) resistor, capacitor, and voltage source=100cos300n are all in series. If the average power dissipated by the resistor is 150W and the rms capacitor voltage is 10v, determine R and C