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In this lecture, we will start from the general relative motion concepts introduced in lectures D11 and D12. and then apply them to describe the motion of 2D rigid bodies. We will think of a rigid body as a system of particles in which the distance between any two particles stays constant. The term 2-dimensional implies that particles move in parallel planes. This includes, for instance, a planar body moving within its plane
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In this lecture, we will revisit the application of Newton's second law to a system of particles and derive some useful relationships expressing the conservation of angular momentum. Center of Mass Consider a system made up of n particles. A typical particle, i, has mass mi, and, at the instant considered, occupies the position Ti relative to a frame xyz. We can then define the center of mass, G, as the point
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In this lecture, we will particularize the conservation principles presented in the previous lecture to the case in which the system of particles considered is a 2D rigid body. Mass Moment of Inertia In the previous lecture, we established that the angular momentum of a system of particles relative to the center of mass, G, was
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Outline Review of Equations of Motion Rotational Motion Equations of Motion in Rotating coordinates Euler Equations Example: Stability of Torque Free Motion Gyroscopic Motion Euler Angles Steady Precession Steady Precession with M=0 MIT
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一、学习问题及其调整 1、学习动机不当 2、注意力不集中 3、考试焦虑 4、考试作弊
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现代办公信息形式多种多样,它包括文字、表格、图形、图像、声音、动画、视频等。 本章主要介绍几种各种常用的办公软件的应用,处理相关的办公信息,解决实现工作中的 问题
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一、碰撞(collision) 碰撞两物体互相接触时间极短而互作用力较大的相 互作用∵F<
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基本内容: 生殖细胞的免疫学特性;妊娠期免疫; 基本要求: 1、了解生殖细胞和胎盘的免疫学特性; 2、掌握胎儿免受母体排斥的机制。 第一节 生殖细胞的免疫学特性 第二节 妊娠期免疫 第三节 免疫与不育 第四节 生殖激素与免疫
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第一节土地价格的形成与变动 第二节土地价格的评估 第三节土地价格的管理
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在化工生产过程中,为了有效地进行生产操作和自动控制,需要对工艺生产中的一些主要参数进行自动测量。用来测量这些参数的仪表称为化工测量仪表。本篇将在介绍有关测量和测量仪表的基本知识的基础上,介绍有关压力、流量、液位、温度等参数的测量方法及其相应的测量仪表。 第一节 压力单位及测压仪表 第二节 弹性式压力计 第三节 电气式压力计 第四节 压力计的选用和安装
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