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Those who have attained some familiarity with computer operation and application have subsequently learned hat they must continually keep abreast of developments or rapidly fall behind, not only in regard to programming skills but most naval architects have properly decided
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The general approach Earlier Parts have given a broad picture of the economic environment within which marine transport operates, and the mechanics of making economic calculations. Ship design links the two, i.e., the marine transport requirements must be developed into a series of feasible ship designs
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Template Structures By far the most common type of fixed offshore structure in existence today is the template, or substructure that extends from the seafloor to above the water surface and a prefabricated steel deck located atop the substructure. The deck is supported by pipe piles driven through the legs of the substructure into the seafloor. These piles not
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The sophistication of modern control systems and the reliability of the equipment used have resulted in machinery spaces remaining unattended for long periods. In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation certain ess certain essential requirements must be met:
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Taking a brand new ship to sea for the first time is naturally quite an event after so many months of preparation and hard work, and the prevailing spirit is one of cheerful optimism, especially if the hopes of good weather have materialized. As soon as the trials party is assembled on board, the pilot, who has probably been waiting in the wheelhouse for some time, orders the gangway
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The lines plan;fairing A lines plan, usually 1/48 lifesize scale drawing of a ship, is used by designers to calculate required hydrostatic, stability, and capacity conditions. Full-scale drawings formerly were obtained from the lines plan by redrawing it full size and preparing a platform of boards called a \scrive board\showing the length and shape of all frames and beams. Wood tem plates were then
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The wooden ship was constructed on a building berth, around which timbers ad planking were cut and shaped, and then fitted together on the berth to form the hull. A similar practice was followed with iron vessels and, later, with the earlier was followed with the earlier
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8.1 并发控制概述 8.2 封锁 8.3 封锁协议 8.4 活锁和死锁 8.5 并发调度的可串行性 8.6 两段锁协议 8.7 封锁的粒度 8.8 Oracle的并发控制 8.9 小结
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7.1 事务的基本概念 7.2 数据库恢复概述 7.3 故障的种类 7.4 恢复的实现技术 7.5 恢复策略 7.6 具有检查点的恢复技术 7.7 数据库镜像 7.8 Oracle的恢复技术 7.9 小结
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6.4 逻辑结构设计 6.4.1 E-R图向关系模型的转换 6.4.2 向特定DBMS规定的模型进行转换 6.4.3 数据模型的优化 6.4.4 设计用户子模式
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