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1. Divido公司是一个完全以股权融资的公司,其总市值为10000万元。该公司持有1000万元的现金等价物和9000万元的其它资产。公司发行在外的普通股共计100万份,每股市价为100元
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In late 1990, executives, engineers, and financial advisors working for Amoco Corporation and Apache Corporation began serious discussions about the sale to Apache of MW Petroleum Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amoco Production Company. Amoco had transferred to MW certain of its own assets that it regarded as non-strategic. MW,s size, location, and operations were all very attractive to Apache, which had grown nearly 30% per year since the mid-1980s
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Eugene F Fama. James D. Mac Beth The Journal of political Economy, Volume 81, Issue 3(May -Jun, 1973),607-636 Stable url: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-3808%28197305%2f197306%2981%03a3%03c607%3arraeett3e2.0.c0%03b2-c Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of jSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.htmlJstOr'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovidesinpartthatunlessyou
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Your use of the STOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR'S Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.htmlJstOr'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovidesinpartthatunlessyou have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and
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货币的时间价值 当前持有一定数量的货币(1元,1美元,1欧元) 比未来获得的等量货币具有更高的价值。 货币之所以具有时间价值,至少有三个因素:
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一、内部筹资(在美国占资本来源总额的85%)是指通过企业运营-主要是通过保留盈余-来筹集资金。 二、外部筹资是指向外部贷款人和投资者发行债券和股票来筹集资金
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第五课(1)期望收益与风险 英国的历史收益率 一、股票市场 一平均收益率:17.9% 一标准差:28.4% 二、长期国债 平均收益率:8.8% 一标准差:14.9%
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说明如何使用现金流贴现分析法来进行相关决策如: 是否进入新的行业(line of business) 一是否对设备进行投资以降低成本 项目分析的特性
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一、在单期模型中,投资者以期望收益率和标准差作为评价证券组合好坏的标准。 二、投资者对风险证券的期望收益率、方差和协方差有相同的预期
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