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AMERICAN JUDGES AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Introduction I. The Nature of Customary International Law II. The Traditional American Approach to Customary International Law IlL. Current American Approaches to Determining the Content of Customary International law A. The Concept of Jus Cogens
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The question of whether a govemment can go bankrupt in the Netherlands is not a new one. The Supreme Court, for example, was asked as early as 1922 whether a municipality(in this case, Wormerveer)could be decared bankrupt. Through the appeal in cassation, the court did not reach a principled verdict in this matter. Ever since, it has remained a vexed question that regularly kept rearing its head, both in the literature and in case-law. There were
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THE ROLE OF RECIPROCITY IN INTERNATIONAL LAW Francesco Parisi and Nita ghei INTRODUCTION contented with so much liberty against other men as he would allow other men against himsel/'6 [A] man be willing, when others are too, as far forth for peace and defense of himself, The concept of reciprocity assumes
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Abstract This Article examines international law from the perspective of compliance Using insights from international relations theory, the article adopts a theory in which compliance comes about in a model of rational, self-interested states. Specifically, states are concerned about both reputational and direc t sanctions tor their conduct
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The Economics of Public International Law Alan O. Sykes\ Abstract: This paper is a preliminary draft for eventual inclusion in the Handbook of Law and Economics, A. Mitchell Polinsky Steven Shavell editors. It reviews and synthesizes the work of economists and law and economics scholars in the field of public international law. The bulk of that work has been in the area of international trade, but many of the ideas in the trade literature have implications for other subfields
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KEEPING LEGAL HISTORY MEANINGFUL Richard H. pildes For nearly a generation after the end of reconstruction, conventionally identified as the 1876 disputed Presidential election and subsequent withdrawal of federal troops from the South black Americans' political participation remained surprisingly robust. Even in the 1890s, half of black men continued to vote in key gubernatorial races in Southern states
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4-1平面弯曲的概念及梁的计算简图 4-2梁的剪力和弯矩 4-3剪力方程和弯矩方程·剪力图和弯矩图 4-4剪力、弯矩与分布荷载集度间的关系及应用 4-5按叠加原理作弯矩图 4-6平面刚架和曲杆的内力图
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随着微型化程度不断提高,元件和布线技术也取得巨大发展,例如BGA外壳封装的高集 成度的微型IC,以及导体之间的绝缘间距缩小到0.5mm,这些仅是其中的两个例子。电子元 件的布线设计方式,对以后制作流程中的测试能否很好进行,影响越来越大。下面介绍几种 重要规则及实用提示
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5.1树的基本概念和术语 树型结构是一类重要的非线性数据结构,在C语言中,从指 针应用的角度出发,介绍了一种特殊类型的树即二叉树的一些 基本概念和基本操作.本章从更一般的角度来介绍树型数据结 构 树的定义:树是m(m>=0个结点的有限集在一棵非空树中:
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14.1数据绑定 在前一章里我们已经对Web应用程序的开发环境有 了进一步的了解,在开发Web应用程序之前,我们 首先做好Web应用程序开发的准备工作:创建了数 据库和Web站点的连接。这样就有了进一步创建动 态页面的基础。但现在数据库中的数据还不能直接 应用到页面中因为要将数据库用作动态网页的内 容源时必须首先创建一个要在其中存储检索数据 的记录集
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