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§10-1 基本概念 §10-2 阻抗(导纳)对频率响应的作用 §10-3 正弦稳态网络函数 §10-4 正弦稳态的叠加 §10-5 平均功率的叠加 §10-6 RLC电路的谐振
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§9-1 基本概念 §9-2 电阻的平均功率 §9-3 电感、电容的功率 §9-4 单口网络的平均功率 §9-5 单口网络的无功功率 §9-6 复功率和复功率守恒 §9-7 正弦稳态最大功率传输定理
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比较了镁和稀土的球化能力及效果。当稀土残留量与镁残留量之比为3:1时,两种球化剂的球化能力相等。原铁水成份为C ≥ 40%,C·E ≥ 57%,稀土处理后,铁水中S ≤ 0.01%,RE ≥ 0.1%时,白口倾向与镁处理结果没有差别。在100kg铁水包内进行稀土喷射冶金的结果表明,稀土处理脱硫速度快,效率高,脱硫限度接近热力学平衡常数。所得铁水中终硫含量都在0.01%以下,有利于获得良好的球化效果。将硅铁粉与稀土混合喷入可使脱硫、球化和孕育3个过程一次完成,这也是传统方法不具备的特点
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is a vector equation that relates the magnitude and direction of the force vector, to the magnitude and direction of the acceleration vector. In the previous lecture we derived expressions for the acceleration vector expressed in cartesian coordinates. This expressions can now be used in Newton's second law, to produce the equations of motion expressed in cartesian coordinates
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8.1 系统并行扩展结构 8.2 地址空间分配和外部地址锁存器 8.2.1 存储器地址空间分配 8.2.2 外部地址锁存器 8.3 静态数据存储器RAM的并行扩展 8.3.1 常用的静态RAM(SRAM)芯片 8.3.2 外扩数据存储器的读写操作时序 8.3.3 AT89S52单片机与RAM的接口设计与软件编程 8.4 片内Flash存储器的编程 8.4.1 使用通用编程器的程序写入 8.4.2 使用下载线的ISP编程 8.5 E2PROM的并行扩展 8.5.1 并行E2PROM芯片简介 8.5.2 E2PROM的工作方式 8.5.3 AT89S52单片机扩展E2PROM AT2864的设计
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Chapter I – Principles of Regulatory Law in Regulatory States I - Founding Principles § 1 – The Emergence of Competition Law as General Regulatory Law § 2 - The Emergence of Sectorial Regulatory Law § 3 - Why Regulate ? - The Foundations of Public Action II – Principles Governing the Regulation Process § 1 – Regulatory Agencies and the Independence Principle §2 - Principles Governing Regulatory Agencies’ Action Chapter II – Principles of Regulatory Systems in Post-Regulatory States I – Multiplication of Regulation Levels § 1 - Global Regulation § 2 – The Increase of Private Self Regulation § 3 - The Increased Regulatory Function of Private Law II. Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law § 1 – The U.S. Regime of Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law: the Most Fully Developed among Modern Systems § 2 – The Emergence/development of Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law in Europe
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Additional lnformation for the Teacher’s Reference Text The Ant and the grasshopper Warm-up Activities Further Reading Speaking Skills Additional Work The Ant and the Grasshopper Notes Main Idea of the Text Introduction to the Author and the Article Phrases and Expressions Exercises
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A point at which two or more elements have common connection is called node(节点). Suppose that we start at one node in a network and move through a simple element to the node at the other..., if no node was encountered more than once, then the set of nodes and elements that we have passed hrough is defined as path(路径)
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