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Pre-reading Questions 1. Name several pollutants 2. Who causes pollution? 3. Why is pollution one of the most serious problems that man faces these days? 4. Why is the pollution problem complicated? 7. 5. How can pollution be gradually reduced? 6. When did man begin to pollute his
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Introduction Although the world is large, man is able to live in only a small part of it. The atmosphere is only about eleven kilometers thick. The soil that supplies us with food is only about fifteen centimeters thick and man can live on only about one eighth of the world's surface. In the past two hundred years man has greatly changed his environment. Water has been given to deserts. Roads have been built across deserts and through forests
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Go back to sth. Return to an earlier point in space or time How far does your memory go back? 让我们回到原来正在讨论的问题上去吧 Let's go back to the subject we were discussing? ·若要探讨爱尔兰问题的起源我们得回到几百年前. To trace the origins of the Irish problem, we have to go back over three hundred years
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1. In what physical condition is the writer's grandmother? with her? 3. Is she happy Why or why not? 4 Are retirement homes all bad? 5. What did the writer's mother decide to do when Grandma could not live on her own? 6. How are elderly people treated in many cultures? 7. Why are old people unhappy in a nursing home? 8. What is the writer's opinion concerning the treatment of aging people? 9. What is your own opinion concerning the old people n general?
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Questions: on the text 1:Whydoestheauthor.comparea language with a living, organism? 2.Which: language family does English belong to? 3. What: is., it\:: causes: :. the languages. within a: single language family. to become different from one another? Does this, happen to one particular. language:: in.different periods of time. too
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由于国内英语教学中写作训练薄弱,大批学生只会单词,不懂语境和搭配,出现了各种可笑 的中文思维现象。我们写作教学中专门强调语感的培养,除单词记忆和句型操练之外,在此 专门选编了 300 个闪光的英文句子,涉及面很广,配有译文并用黑体标出了句子衔接的主 干框架。读者可以在阅读中仔细领会每句话表达的妙处,遣词造句的独特设计
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由于国内英语教学中写作训练薄弱,大批学生只会单词,不懂语境和搭配,出现了各种可笑的中文思维现象。 我们写作教学中专门强调语感的培养,除单词记忆和句型操练之外,在此专门选编了300个闪光的英文句子, 涉及面很广,配有译文并用黑体标出了句子衔接的主干框架。读者可以在阅读中仔细领会每句话表达的妙处, 遣词造句的独特设计。也可以作为写作的范本加以背诵,提高自己的语感和闪光点意识
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:167KB 文档页数:28
由于国内英语教学中写作训练薄弱,大批学生只会单词,不懂语境和搭配,出现了各种可笑的中文思维现 象。我们写作教学中专门强调语感的培养,除单词记忆和句型操练之外,在此专门选编了300个闪光的英 文句子,涉及面很广,配有译文并用黑体标出了句子衔接的主干框架。读者可以在阅读中仔细领会每句话表 达的妙处,遣词造句的独特设计
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俚语和谚语是英语学习中的一大绊脚石。我们不明白这些俗语的含义,是因为我们和英语国 家的文化背景不同。如果能在汉语中为这些俗语找到对应的说法,问题就解决了。我们向你 介绍一些英汉合璧的俚语和谚语,帮助你的英语学习更上一层楼
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