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第一节 炎症概述 第二节 急性炎症 第三节 慢性性炎症
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第一节 再生 regeneration 第二节 纤维性修复 第三节 创伤愈合 wound healing
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:11.44MB 文档页数:61
This is a multisystem disease and an acute, often recurrent, inflammatory disease principally of children that generally follows a pharyngeal(but not skin) infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
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Common type of necrosis after exogenous stimuli. Swelling, denaturation and coagulation of proteins Breakdown of cellular organelles Cell rupture
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Autopsy Biopsy Cytology Experimental studies In vitro: Tissue culture Organ culture Cell culture In vivo: Experimental animals Nude mice
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Arterial hyperemia Inflammatory Collateral Post-ischemic
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一、肾脏的正常功能和结构 Nephron=glomerulus +proximal tubule +thin loop of Henle +distal tubule
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第一节细胞、组织损伤的原因 第二节细胞和组织适应性反应
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1、不同类型细胞的再生潜能 2、坏死的概念,常见的类型及形态学特点。 3、骨折愈合
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:79.5KB 文档页数:7
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