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自测题 一、(1)×(2)√(3)√×(4√(5)×(6)√ 二、(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D 三、T1,R1、R2、R3,R、D2,T2、Rc,Ro
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The term computer graphics refers to the generation,representation, manipulation, processing, and display of data by a computer. Computer-generated images may be real or imagined, animated or still, two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D).Today most computers, particularly those in the PC,Macintosh, or workstation categories
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12-3理想气体的压强公式 一、理想气体的微观模型 (1)分子可视为质点;线度d≈10-10m间距r≈10m,d<
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广告心理学试卷 1.“知晓→了解→喜欢→偏好→信服→购买”模型是谁提出的 A.科利B.勒韦兹和斯坦纳 C.罗杰斯D.李奥贝纳 2.西蒙斯(Simmons)1960年的跨文化研究指出,老年人有几种基本需要或目标。 A.3B.4C.5D.6
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高等数学第七章及上册综合题 一选择填空 1已知lim-ax-b=0,则( ) x→x+1 (A)a=1,b=1(B)a=1,b=-1(C)a=-1,b=1(d)a=-1,b=-1 2如果f(x)g(x)都在x点处间断,那么() (A)f(x)+g(x)都在x点处间断(B)f(x)-g(x)都在x点处间断 ()f(x)+g(x)都在x点处连续(D)fx)+g(x)都在x点处可能连续 3函数f(x)=xx(x2-3x+2)(x+2)有()个不可导点
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5-1 扳键开关、拨盘开关、按钮、键盘与单片机的接口 5-2 显示器与单片机的接口 5-3 行程开关、继电器、晶闸管元件与单片机的接口 5-4 A/D、D/A转换芯片与单片机的接口 5-5 应用实例
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8.1 自动编程概述 8.2 零件基本几何图形的绘制 8.3 空间立体图形的绘制 8.4 CAM基础 8.5 2D刀路定义 8.6 3D曲面加工刀路 8.7 后置处理
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高等数学第十章习题 一、选择填空 1、已知曲面的方程为x2+y2+z2=a2,则(x2+y2+z2)dS=() (A)0(B)2ma4(C)4ma4(D)6a4 2、已知=(x+ay)i+y为某一二元函数的梯度,则a=() (x+y)2 (A)-1(B)0(C)1D)2 3、已知f(u)为连续函数,则(x2+y2)dy=()
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1 Software and Software Engineering 2 Process Models 3 Agility and Process 4 Recommended Process Model 5 Human Aspects of Software Engineering 6 Principles That Guide Practice 7 Understanding Requirements 8 Requirements Modeling—A Recommended Approach 9 Design Concepts 10 Architectural Design—A Recommended Approach 11 Component-Level Design 12 User Experience Design 13 Design for Mobility 14 Pattern-Based Design 15 Quality Concepts 16 Reviews—A Recommended Approach 17 Software Quality Assurance 18 Software Security Engineering 19 Software Testing—Component Level 20 Software Testing—Integration Level 21 Software Testing—Specialized Testing for Mobility 22 Software Configuration Management 23 Software Metrics and Analytics 24 Project Management Concepts 25 Creating a Viable Software Plan 26 Risk Management 27 A Strategy for Software Support 28 Software Process Improvement 29 Emerging Trends in Software Engineering 30 Concluding Comments
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4.5线性方程组解的结构 b 齐次方程组Ax=0 非齐次方程组Ax=b(b≠0) 结论:(1)[4b]→[d,Ax=b与Cx=d同解 (2)Ax=0有非零解兮rank4
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