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▪ 理解需求的含义 ▪ 明确如何区分需求量的变动和需求变动 ▪ 学会分析需求受不同因素影响的变化情况 ▪ 学会运用所学知识解释或解决一些现实问题
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§9.3 应力圆 ( Stresses Circle ) §9.4 梁的主应力及其主应力迹线 §9.5 三向应力状态——应力圆法 §9.6 复杂应力状态下的单元体的变形 §9.7 变形位能
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Introduction to Probability Probability is the last topic in this course and perhaps the most important. Many Igorithms rely on randomization. Investigating their correctness and performance re- quires probability theory. Moreover, many aspects of computer systems, such as memory
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1 RSA In 1977, Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman proposed a highly secure cryp- tosystem(called RSa)based on number theory. Despite decades of attack, no significant weakness has been found (Well, none that you and me would know.)Moreover, RSA has a major advantage over traditional codes: the sender and receiver of an encrypted
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Srini devadas and Eric Lehman Lecture notes Number theory ll Image of Alan Turing removed for copyright reasons s The man pictured above is Alan Turing, the most important figure in the history of mputer science. For decades, his
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3. 1 Theory of Cardinal Utility 一、基数效用理论
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The Harmonisation of Private Law in Europe: Some Insights from Evolutionary Theory Jan M. Smits* 1.Introduction Alan Watson has provided us with abundant and beautiful evidence that\most changes in most systems are the result of borrowing\. But as a legal historian and comparative lawyer, Watson has
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一、博弈论(Game Theory) 博弈论研究决策主体的行为相互发生直接作用时的决策,以及这种决 策的均衡问题。也就是说,一个主体(一个人或一个企业)的选择受到其 他主体选择的影响,并且其选择反过来会影响到其他主体的选择,这类的 的决策问题和均衡问题就是博弈论研究的对象。在这个意义上说,博弈论 也称为“对策论
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Where are We in the Course? We are working on the 1st of the 3 components of microeconomics: Consumer behavior, production theory, and market. There are three elements of consumer behavior: budget constraint, preference, and choices
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Lecture 15: Stealth' particles Last time Nano- and micro-particle carriers Today Delivery of drugs to tissue from circulation stealth particles theory and function Reading S. Stolnik et al. 'Long circulating microparticulate drug carriers, Adv. Drug. Deliv. Rev 16,195(1995) Delivery of drugs to tissues via systemic circulation
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