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9.1 Reverse Eutectoid Transformations 9.1.1 Intro to austenite in Fe-C system 9.1.2 Formation mechanism of austenite 9.1.3 Kinetics of austenitization 9.1.4 Austenite grain growth and its control 9.2 Eutectoid Transformations
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8.1 Classification of Phase Transformations in Solids 8.2 Features of Phase Transformations in Solids 8.3 Thermodynamics for Phase Transformation in Solids 8.4 Kinetics for Phase Transformation in Solids
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8.1 Classification of Phase Transformations in Solids 8.2 Features of Phase Transformations in Solids 8.3 Thermodynamics for Phase Transformation in Solids 8.4 Kinetics for Phase Transformation in Solids
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控制系统的校正方法 • 概述 • 超前校正和滞后校正 • PID调节器 本章基本要求: 理解串联校正的含义; 掌握超前校正原理; 掌握滞后校正原理; 掌握比例、积分、微分、比例积分、比例微分、比例积分; 微分控制规律;
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含硫含磷化合物属于元素有机化合物。元素有机化合物是指有机基团的碳原子与其它原子(除H,O,N,X外)相连的化合物。如RMgX,R-C≡C-Ag, R-C≡CNa,Rli,(C6H5)3P,RSH等
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《沙原隐泉课件(32页)_第三单元 第9课《沙原隐泉》课件
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