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Public Goods Defined Pure public goods share two characteristics Nonrival Cost of another person consuming the good is zero Nonexcludable-Very expensive to prevent others from consuming the good
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Public Finance Defined Public finance is about the taxing and spending activities of the government. Also known as \public sector economics\or \public economics.\ Focus is on microeconomic functions of government- polices that affect overall unemployment or price levels are left for macroeconomics
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《水利经济》:中国水资源存在的问题及对策(甘肃农业 大学工学 院:成 自勇、张 芮、魏 巍、丁 林、李晓玲)
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1. Adverse selection(逆向选择) The situation that occurs when the people who are most likely to receive benefits from a certain type of insurance are the ones who are most likely to purchase it
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国民收入核算有两种体系:MPS和SNA 一、国民收入核算的指标体系: 国内生产总值(GDP) 国内生产净值(NDP) 国民生产总值(GNP)
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1.简要回答官员在公共选择中的特殊之处 2.请说明四种投票方式各自的特点及应用条件。 3.指出在什么情况下才有可能保证公民选择的合理性
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股票的未来价格走势到底受哪些因素 股票价格决定因素
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问题 一、股票的未来价格走势到底受哪些因素的影响?
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