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运城学院:《宏观经济学》课程教学资源(各章习题,含答案,打印版)第五章 国际经济的基本知识
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运城学院:《宏观经济学》课程教学资源(各章习题,含答案,打印版)第四章 失业与通货膨胀
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Interest-Rate Differentials Country risk&ex -rate- expectations Country risk Political upheaval default on loan repayments higher i-rate to compensate Ex-rate expectations expect RMB to appreciate loans in RMB can pay a lower i-rate
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运城学院:《宏观经济学》课程教学资源(各章习题,含答案,打印版)第二章 凯恩斯的均衡国民收入理论
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运城学院:《宏观经济学》课程教学资源(各章习题,含答案,打印版)第一章 福利经济学和微观经济政策
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The Data of macroeconomics * Measure of economic activity Gross Domestic Product(GDP) Total expenditure on domestically-produced final goods and services Total income earned by domestically located factors of production
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Topics 4 questions from before HW#1 Unemployment Natural rate of unemployment reasons for unemployment Frictional unemployment Wait unemployment Patterns of unemployment
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复旦大学:《宏观经济学》博士生课程教学资源(讲义)Politico-Economic Equilibrium and Economic Growth
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复旦大学:《宏观经济学》博士生课程教学资源(讲义)第三章 经济增长理论
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