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15-1频率为v=1.25×104H的平面简谐纵波沿细长的金属棒传播,棒 的弹性模量为E=1.90×10N·m2,棒的密度p=7.6×103kgm-3.求该纵 波的波长
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基本要求:了解带传动的类型、工作原理、特点和应用; 了解V的构造、标准和结构:能对带传动进 行受力分析和应力分析;对带传动的弹性滑动 和打滑有明确的概念;了解带传动的失效形式、 设计依据及影响帯传动的主要因素;了解带传 动的张紧方法。 重点:了解带传动的类型、工作原理、特点和应用; 能对传动进行受力分析和应力分析 难点:带传动的弹性滑动及打滑
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Announcements: Power Point Lecture Notes Available on BCMP200 Website For further reading Nucleic Acids: Structures, Properties, and Functions V.A. Bloomfield D. M. Crothers
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一、原因 二、张紧方法:
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50.1 Introduction 50.2 Defining Equations Piezoelectricity and Electrostriction. Electrostriction and V. Sundar and Compliance Matrices Magnitudes and Signs of Electrostrictive R.E. Newnham Coefficients
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本章主要介绍C语言程序的结构和书写规则,以及 Turbo V2.0的基本操作 1.1语言出现的历史背景 1.2C语言的特点 1.3简单的C程序的介绍 1.4C程序的上机步骤
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1 At a frequency of 796 Hz, compute Zo,u and for a line having the following parameters: F2230 u H/km,=0.0055 u F, r-6./km, g negligible. 2 At certain frequency, transmission line has Zo=5560°andy=0.005+j0.03np/km The line is 60 km long. A sinusoidal voltage of 100V at the specified frequency is applied to one end. Find:
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习题14-2 解:(1)由x=0.1cos20t+与x=Acos(t+)比较得振幅A=0.1(m)角频率=20初相π频率V==10周期T==0.1(s)
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The forced response The steady state responseThe(t) has been switched into the circuit at some remote U.=V. cos ot time in the past, and the natural response has died-out completely. The forced response(steady state response)must satisfy the differential equation
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