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干扰源 • 带电导体 • 载流导体 耦合途径 • 分布电容 • 空间互感 受扰对象 • 附近导体 • 附近回路
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上海交通大学:《电气与电子测量技术》精品课程教学资源(2017课件讲稿)第六章 数字化测量技术(数字化电气测量系统设计)
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VDRMI VARM =10ms 1/2 sine. Vosu V asM =VDRM+ 100V respectively. Lower voltage grades available. ORDERING INFORMATION When ordering select the required part number shown in the Voltage Ratings selection table r ex For example:
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一、故障 1、油箱内部故障:绕组相间短路、单相匝间短路、单相接地短路等。 2、油箱外部故障:绝缘套管及引出线上的多相短路、单相接地短路等
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DoC. No. 5SYA1036-03 Sep Two thyristors integrated into one wafer Patented free-floating silicon technology Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications Optimum power handling capability Interdigitated amplifying gate The electrical and thermal data are valid for one thyristor half of the device
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一、电池反应的能斯特方程 在恒温、恒压下吉布斯函数的增量等于可逆的非体积功——电功
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(1) Hole particle current from E to B (2)Electron particle current from B to E (3)Recombination current in B (4) Hole particle current originating in E and reaching C (5)Reverse electron particle current from c to B (6) Reverse hole particle current from b to c (What is difference between \current\ and\particle current ? OE F Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003
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化学电源已成为现代社会生活的必需品。 电化学研究电能和化学能之间的相互转化及转化过程中有关规律的科学
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重点:基本结构,电磁关系,磁势、电压、功率平衡 难点:电磁关系,损耗,磁化特性
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