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电子科技大学:《神经信息学基础 The Basis of Neuroinformatics》研究生课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第1章 生物神经系统的结构基础
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电子科技大学:《神经信息学基础 The Basis of Neuroinformatics》研究生课程教学资源(课件讲稿)绪论(李永杰、夏阳)
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第一节 概述 第二节 马铃薯栽培的生物学特性 第三节 马铃薯病毒性退化 第四节 马铃薯栽培技术
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第一节 概述 第二节 小麦栽培的生物学基础 第三节 小麦栽培技术
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第一节 绿肥 一、紫花苜蓿 二、草木樨 第二节 荞麦 一、概述 二、西藏荞麦类型 三、植物学特征 四、生物学特性 五、生长发育过程 六、荞麦的栽培技术 第三节 向日葵 一、生长发育 二、栽培技术 第四节 烟草 一、烟草的生产的发展 二、烟草的生物学基础 三、烟草的产量和品质 四、烟草的栽培技术 五、烟草的成熟、采收和烘烤 第五节 大麻和亚麻 一、概述 二、植物学特征 三、生物学特征 四、栽培技术
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The culture concept is fundamental to anthropology Years ago, we used to have more trouble introducing the concept, because people tended to think of the other meaning of culture, i.e., high culture, esp. art, music, refinement
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Linguistic Aspects of Culture 1. How does culture hang together as system? How does it work? How does it interact with aspects of life that aren't culture? a. There has been a lot of efforts in the 20century to answer these question
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The ethnographic reality behind these concepts Potlatch 1. The Culture a. North West coast cultural area is mostly in Canada b. Whole series of related groups all the way up to Alaska C. Fascinating area
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1. In Anthropology some insights have come from observing simpler societies and then applying what we learn to our own society a. There are some things in our society that we take for granted that are of very recent origin:
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Anthropology of Science Food for thought Is there a culture of science? Who is in that culture? Is there more than one? o What are the boundaries of science 1. Anthropology of science Uses ethnographic method to study science
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