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Definition The term\language\ normally refers to human speech, spoken or written. Language forms the basis of communication between all human beings
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1. Help students use passive sentences 2. Advocate good manners on campus 3. Enable students to write letters of complaints
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1. Deliberately refused; 2. Laugh or talk loudly and unpleasantly; 3. A wound in the skin caused by an insect: /4. Very strong obsessive
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1. Lines 1-13 access to the internet which give people information of all kinds seems a matter of course 2. Lines 14-26 World Wide Web, which began as a little computer program nearly 20
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第一节 水力机械的定义 第二节 水力机械在国民经济中的应用 电力工业 水利工程 化学工业 石油工业 采矿工业 航天技术 环保部门 第三节 水力机械的主要性能参数 第四节 水力机械的结构形式 第五节 水力机械理论与设计方法的现状与发展
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本章主要介绍大气的组成,大气污染的含义大气污染的发生和发展,大气污染源及主要的 大气污染物,大气污染控制途径,大气环境质量控制标准等方面的知识
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Step One: Leading-in Activities: 1. Watch the short movies of Chaplin. 2. Discussion: (1) What do the famous people's lives look like in your eye? (2) Do you want to be famous one day? Why or why not? And (3) What do you usually do in your
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Lead-in Questions 1. Are you iron deficient 2. How would you know? a. tired b. have reduced ability to exercise. C. have poor stamina d. get frequent infections e. are lethargic
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Unit Four Five symbols of america Five symbols of america Learn some important new words and phrases Appreciate the passage in section A Comprehension of the material in section A 1. Communicative method 2. Audio-lingual method 3. Grammar-translation method
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