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Sun Tzu chinese General Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril
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Corporation a mechanism established to allow different parties to contribute capital, expertise, and labor for their mutual benefit Corporate governance refers to the relationship among these groups in determining the direction and performance of the corporation
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An internal, operations driven activity involving organizing, budgeting, motivating, culture building, supervising, and leading to make the strategy worked as intended. There must be a fit between strategy and organizational resources and capabilities, reward structure, internal support systems, and organizational structure
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一:什么叫生产 生产就是制造产品(有形产品),提供服务(无形产品)的过程性活动。 经济学上,用生产率(Productivity)来衡量生产系统的转换功能,表示生产要素的使用效率 (生产率=产出/投入) 生产率的提高主要取决于生产过程中如何充分有效地发挥生产要素的作用 提高效率,一般通过两种方式来达到这种目的:改进生产技术和改善管理
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Corporations, Shares, and shareholder Rights People who own stock have an equity interest in the organization e f a business has shares of stock it is organized as a corporation rather than a proprietorship or a partnership The shares of some corporations are closely held, while others are publicly held The two types of stock are common stock and preferred stock
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Bond Principles: Identification- of Bonds Bonds are identified by issuer, coupon rate, and maturity. The face value of a bond is called its par value. e.g. 5 of \Hertz sevens of 03\(Hertz 7s03) .A legal document called the indenture contains the details of the bond issue
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Introduction a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow a safe dollar is worth more than a risky dollar People have different degrees of risk aversion. Some are more willing to take a chance than others A tradeoff exists between risk and return
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第十章建设用地使用权 第一节建设用地使用权概说 一、建设用地的概念 我国《土地管理法》将土地分为农用地、建设用地和未利用地三类.根据所有权形式的不同,建设用地可分为国有建设用地和集体所有建设用地
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一、四年总体课程框架 二、专业课程框架 三、本课程的性质和目的 四、本课程的逻辑思路
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佳亭公司2002年6月发生下列 经济业务: 1购入自用汽车一辆,付款 250000元,当即投入使用 2.购入A商品100件,每件进 价50元;经协商,货款于8月底 支付;
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