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Actual Structural and Cyclical Budget Deficits Government Debt Displaceste Capital T-260
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This chapter introduces comparative advantage and shows that having people specialize in the production in which they are relatively more efficient allows the production of more of everything. It introduces the production possibilities curve and develops the production possibilities model to show precisely how specialization enhances the productive capacity of an economy
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国民经济有两种涵义: 一.是指物质生产部门和非物质生产部门的总和(静态) 二.是指社会产品再生产生产、分配、流通 和使用的总过程(动态). 国民经济核算是以国民经济为整体的核算,又 称国民核算
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Multiple Choice 1. Equilibrium a. is a concept unique to economics. b. always occurs where supply equals demand. C. results when opposing forces fail to cancel each other out. d. indicates balance. e. all of the above
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Government Debt 1. Is budget deficit correctly measured? (1)Inflation (2)Capital Assets ( 3)Uncounted liabilities ( 4) Business cycle
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通货膨胀与通货膨胀的衡量。通货膨胀是指经济的物价总水平或一般物价水平在一 定的时期内持续的上升过程。货币数量论认为价格水平的波动主要是由名义货币供应量的 变化而引起的,当经济中纸币的发行量超过商品流通中人们对纸币的实际需要量时,货币 就会贬值,物价水平就会普遍持续上涨
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Solow growth model 1. Production function(total; per capita) 2. Savings investment schedule 3. Depreciation 4. Steady state 5. Golden rule 6. Path from one steady state to the Golden Rule steady state
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Introduction What are the three big problems macroeconomics studies? GDP -- Calculation: intermediate inventories;used;GNP Real v.s. Nominal (deflator; CPD) Okun'sLaw
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判断正误并说明理由。(每题4分) 1.财政政策的内在时滞比货币政策长。(Mankiw P3345) 正确。1分
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