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Topics Grading rubrics for written proposals Content Communication Grading distribution between content and communication Dealing with multiple graders Division of work within teams
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Audience analysis elements Know four key facts about readers and listeners. Consider the level of technical expertise of your audience. Understand why they are reading. then... plan communication strategy and information organization
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DEFINITION OF A HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis A tentative explanation that accounts for facts and can be tested by further investigation; a theory Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption .Experiment test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate
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Why be concerned about ethics? Science and engineering are professions whose integrity rely on the participants behaving in ethical ways. Unethical behavior can lead to loss of life, property, or other resources. Individuals can also lose respect and their reputation
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Prof. Ed Greitzer Prof. Earll Murman \The course faculty is responsible for the structuring of the subject and the development of the learning objectives, subject content and assessment tools. The course faculty will lead all class and team meetings and grade all written and oral material. The course faculty, together with input from the 16.62x staff and Writing Program Instructor, are responsible for assessing
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TODAY'S TOPICS Status check, photo opportunity Course goal and course learning objectives Some comments on the research process The research“catechism” The 16.62x cycle (16.62x Syllabus) Our thoughts on progress and achievement
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一、生产概况 1、产量 世界草莓总产量301.8万吨(FAO2001)中国草莓40万吨,居世界第二位。中国草莓生产区:河北、辽宁、浙江、江苏、山东、四川等。2001年四川双流“冬草莓”栽培面积已达3万亩,产量5500万kg
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一、生产概况 1、世界猕猴桃产量97.7万吨(FAO2001)生产国:新西兰、意大利、智利、中国等10多个国家。中国猕猴桃栽培面积世界第一(4.31万hm2),产量第四(12.23万吨)。主产地:陕西周至、四川苍溪、河南西峡
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一、生产概况 1、葡萄是世界上分布范围最广,栽培面积最大, 产量最多的落叶果树。 葡萄产量居世界水果第二位,据FAO(2001) 世界葡萄产量6428.9万吨。 葡萄在中国水果产量中排第7位,产量283万吨 (2000年)。 中国葡萄主产省区新疆、山东、河北、河南、 辽宁等
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一、李的栽培历史: 李子栽培在我国已有3000年以上的历史。 《齐民要术》中记载李子品种31个,其中郁黄李、 牛心李、紫李、青李等近20个品种至今仍在各地沿 用。中国李原产中国,西汉时已传到日本、伊朗等 国,后又流传到意大利、德国、法国等欧美诸国。 19世纪中期,美国传教士把欧洲李引到中国
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