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2.1 Single-phase controlled rectifier 2.2 2 Three-phase- controlled rectifier 2.3 Effect of transformer leakage inductance on rectifier circuits 2.4 Capacitor-filtered uncontrolled rectifier 2.5Harmonics and power factor of rectifier circuits 2.6 High power controlled rectifier 2.7 Inverter mode operation of rectifier circuit 2.8 Thyristor-DC motor system 2.9 Realization of phase-control in rectifier circuits
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1.1 An introductory overview of power electronic devices 1.2 Uncontrolled device-power diode 1.3 Half-controlled device-thyristor 1.4 Typical fully-controlled devices 1.5 Other new power electronic devices 16Drive circuit for power electronic devices 1.7 Protection of power electronic devices 1.8 Series and parallel connections of power electronic devices
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第一节 拉氏变换 拉氏变换的定义、基本定理和常用变换及反变换、欧姆定律的s域描述
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l. What is power electronics? ll. The history lll. Applications V. A simple example lV. About this course
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9.1特种加工方法的特点与分类 9.2电火花加工 9.3电火花线切割加工 9.4电解加工 9.5超声波加工 9.6激光加工 9.7电子束加工 9.8离子束加工
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实训8直流伺服电动机调速系统实训 实训9三相步进电动机控制实训
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《电路与模拟电子技术》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第8章 负反馈放大器与集成运算放大器 8.3 集成运算放大电路
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麦克斯韦(1831-1879) 英国物理学家.经典电磁理 论的奠基人,气体动理论创始人之一他提出了有旋场 和位移电流的概念,建立了经典电磁理论,并预言了以光速传播的电磁波的存在在气体动理论方面,他还提出了气体分子按速率分布的统计规律
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一、是非题 1、负反馈是指反馈信号与放大器原来的输入信号相位相反,会消弱原来的输入信号,在实际中应用较少。() 2、只要在放大电路中引入反馈,就一定能使其性能得到改善。()
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第四章触发器 4.1概述 4.2触发器的基本形式 4.3触发器按逻辑功能的分类 4.4触发器逻辑功能的转换 4.5触发器的触发方式 4.6触发器的应用举例
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