General Description de range of applica is local on card bypassing is needed only if the regulator is located far from 9 gulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated the filter capacitor of the power supply rith single point regulation. The voltages available allow For output voltage other
The OP07 is a precision operational amplifier with Ultra Low offset Voltage: 10uV for the OPO7A), input offset drift of 0. 2uv/C an Ultra Low Offset Voltage Drift0.2μ° put bias current of 0.7nA the wide inp o Ultra Stable vs. Time: 0.2u V/Month 110dB minimum(OP07A), plus high input Ultra L。wNo|e:035
Guaranteed Zero Reading for OV Input on All Scales The Intersil ICL7106 and ICL7107 are high performance, low True Polarity at Zero for Precise Null Detection power, 312 digit A/D converters. Included are seven seg- 1pA Typical Input Current ment decoders, display drivers, a reference, and a clock