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Anything that can be learned from direct experience can also be learned by indirect or vicarious experience
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Learning is usually defined as a change in an individual caused by experience. Changes caused by development are not instances of learning. Neither are characteristics of individuals that are present at birth. However, human beings do so much learning from the day of their birth that learning and development are inseparably linked
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Development refers to the ways people grow, adapt, and change during their lifetimes. physical development, personality development, socioemotional development, cognitive development(thinking), and language development
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第一节思维概述 第二节概念和推理 第三节问题与解决 第四节创造性思维
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1.了解学习实验心理学的目的和意义; 2.掌握实验心理学的性质 3.掌握心理学实验研究的程序;
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心理学:是研究人的心理现象的科学 心理过程:包括认识过程、情感过程和意志过程。 心理:是人脑对客观现实的能动的反映 反射:是有机体借助于神经系统对内外刺激所作的有规律的反应
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福建中医药大学(福建中医学院):《心理咨询》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第五单元 积极关注(林榕发)
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福建中医药大学(福建中医学院):《心理咨询》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第五单元 询问技术(林榕发)
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