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厂商均衡: 不同市场上的厂商决定自己的产量和价格的问题
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两种方法分析: 一、基数效用论——边际效用分析法 二、序数效用论——无差异曲线分析法
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一、在 Solow模型中考虑技术进步 二、促进增长的政策 三、增长经验主义者:比较理论与实际 四、内生增长:
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第一节货币市场 第二节资本市场 第三节外汇和黄金市场 第四节金融衍生市场
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第一节金融市场的概念、分类与功能 第二节金融市场工具 第三节我国金融市场的发展
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第一节信用的产生和发展 第二节信用的主要形式 第三节融资方式及渠道
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1. A situation is efficient if a. no change can help some people without hurting others. b. the gain for some people offsets the loss for others. .C. the gain for some people more than offsets the loss to others. d. consumer surplus is maximized. e. producer surplus is maximized
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Some Terminology o In the simple linear regression model where y=Bo+ Bx+ u, we typically refer to y as the a Dependent variable, or a Left-Hand Side Variable. or Explained variable, or Regressand
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Why study econometrics? Rare in economics(and many other areas without labs! ) to have experimental data Need to use nonexperimental. or observational data to make inferences eImportant to be able to apply economic theory to real world data Economics 20- Prof. Anderson
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第一节 外汇与汇率 第二节 国际金融市场 第三节 国际货币体系
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