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2.1 面向对象方法学概述 2.2 面向对象的概念 2.3 面向对象建模 2.4 对象模型 2.5 动态模型 2.6 功能模型 2.7 3种模型之间的关系 2.8 小结
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19.1 Digital Signal Processing in Audio and Electroacoustics Bell Laboratories Steerable Microphone Arrays. Digital Hearing Aids.Spatial Processing. Audio Coding. Echo Cancellation Active Noise Sanjay K.Mehta and Sound Control NUWC Detachment 19.2 Underwater Acoustical Signal Processings G. Clifford Carter
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1.1 Resistors University of Maryland Resistor Characteristics Resistor Types Pradeep Lall 1.2 Capacitors and Inductors Capacitors. Types of Capacitors Inductors Motorola 1.3 Transformers Glen Ballou Types of Transformers.Principle of Ballou Associates Transformation. Electromagnetic Equation. Transformer Core. Transformer Losses. Transformer C. Sankaran
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2.1 Step, Impulse, Ramp, Sinusoidal, Exponential,and University of California, Davis DC Signals Zhen Wan Step Function. The Impulse. Ramp Function.Sinusoidal FunctionDCSignal University of California, Davis 2.2 Ideal and Practical Sources Clayton R. Paul Ideal Sources. Practical Sources University of Kentucky, Lexington 2.3 Controlled Sources What Are Controlled Sources? What Is the Significance of J. R. Cogdell
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1、圆曲线测设及误差规定; (重点) 2、圆曲线加缓和曲线的测设及误差规定。(重点) 3、圆曲线加缓和曲线测设资料的计算; (难点) 4、遇障碍时曲线的测设方法。 (难点) 5、任意点极坐标法测设曲线。 (难点)
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or Circuit analysis and Design gregory rollins uction. DC(Steady-State) Analysis. AC Analysis. Transient Process and device simulation Process simulation associates. Inc. Peter Bendix 13.2 Parameter Extraction for Analog Circuit Simulation Introduction. MOS DC Models. BSIM Extraction Strategy in LSI Logic Corp
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17.1 Digital Image Processing Image Capture. Point Operations Image Enhancement. Digital Purdue University Image Compression. Reconstruction. Edge Detection.Analysis Charles A.Bouman and Computer Vision Purdue University 17.2 Video Signal Processing Sampling. Quantization. Vector Quantization.Video Sarah A. Rajala Compression Informatin Preserving Coders.Predictive North Carolina State University Coding. Motion-Compensated Predictive Coding- Transform Coding. Subband Coding HDTV. Motion Estimation N.K.Bose
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18.1 Special Architectures Pipelining. Parallel Processing. Retiming. Unfolding. ia Folding Transformation Look-Ahead Technique. Associativity Transformation. Distributivity Arithmetic Processor Architectures. Computer-Aided Design. Future VLSI DSP Systems Keshab K. Parhi 18.2 Signal Processing Chips and Applications University of Minnesota System. Implementation of a Finite Impulse Response Filter with Rulph Chassaing the TMS320C25. Floating-Point TMS320C30-Based Development Roger Williams University
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两相互接触的物体在外力作用下发生相对运动 或具有相对运动趋势时,在接触面间产生切向的运 动阻力叫摩擦力,此现象即为摩擦。 机械运动中,发生相对运动的零部件统称为摩擦 副(轴与轴承、齿轮轮齿、蜗轮与蜗杆、凸轮与挺杆、皮带 与皮带轮等)。 ▲ 按摩擦发生的部位 外摩擦:两相互接触的物体表面之间发生的摩擦 内摩擦:同一物体内部各个部分之间发生的摩擦,一般发生在液体或气体 ▲按摩擦副的运动状态 静摩擦: 外力作用,但未发生相对运动 动摩擦: 外力作用下发生相对运动
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