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第一节 心搏骤停 第二节 心肺脑复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)
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❖绪论 ❖基本生命支持 Basic Life Support ❖高级生命支持 ❖长期生命支持
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进入21世纪,人类将进入一个高速发展的社会。 同时人类也将面临十分严峻的挑战,无论在身体上和 精神上,均要承受巨大的压力。高血压病及其相关的 心脑血管疾病在本世纪内将达到最高峰,各种形式的 创伤也日趋增高,与之协同的肥胖、缺乏运动、高热 量饮食和精神高度紧张等危险因素不断加强,使得猝 死的发病率增加十分迅速。因此,无论对于医务工作 者和非医务工作者,充分研究和掌握猝死的发生原因 、机理和急救方法均十分必要
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Automated External Defibrillators Defibrillation Cardioversion, and Pacing his chapter presents guidelines for defibrillation with Delays to either start of CPR or defibrillation can reduce automated external defibrillators(AEDs) and manual survival from SCA. In the 1990s some predicted that CPR defibrillators, synchronized cardioversion, and pacing. AEDs could be rendered obsolete by the widespread development of may be used by lay rescuers
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Cac a aohithrnnas she u (do ommon cause of sudden death A comprehensive presentation of the evaluation and man- be established on as agement of bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias is beyond possible for all patients who collapse suddenly or have the scope of these
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This section highlights recommendations for the support maximize arterial oxygen saturation and, in turn, arterial of ventilation and oxygenation during resuscitation and oxygen content. This will help support oxygen delivery the periarrest period. The purpose of ventilation during CPR (cardiac output x arterial oxygen content) when cardiac
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