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复旦大学:《文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology》阅读资料_A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Romantic Love
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复旦大学:《文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology》阅读资料_Uterine Families and the Women’s Community
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复旦大学:《文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology》阅读资料_African Polygyny:Family Values and Contemporary Changes
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复旦大学:《文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology》阅读资料_The Named and the Nameless
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复旦大学:《文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology》阅读资料_Politics, Law, and Power
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复旦大学:《文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology》阅读资料_Religion
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复旦大学:《文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology》阅读资料_China’s One-Child Policy and the Empowerment of Urban Daughters
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Race and Anthropology Huge topic-only going to cover a small portion of the discussion Two notions about race: Race has a biological meaning, but not a social meaning *Race has a social meaning but not biological meaning
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序言:全球史研究的新路径 地理大发现、文明论、国家疆域 国际法的思想谱系:从文野之分到全球统治 文明、理性与种族改良:一个大同世界的构想 世博会:文明/野蛮的视觉呈现 福泽谕吉“文明论”的等级结构及其源流 从近代编译看西学东渐(一项以地理教科书为中心的考察) “西洋镜”里的中国女性 语言等级与清末民初的“汉字革命” 反观“半文明”:中国植物知识的转轨与分流 重审“亚细亚生产方式”:理论与历史的纠结 中国人类学话语与“他者”的历史演变
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