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1.解释下列名词: (1)n-型和 p-型半导体 (2)本征半导体和掺杂半导体 (3)超导电性 (4)功能陶瓷 (5)纳米材料 (6)4A 分子筛
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§2.2 Thermochemistry §2.3 Direction of a chemical reaction To study chemistry using the theories and methods of thermodynamics 1) heat exchange in chemical reactions 2) directions and extent of reaction processes §2.1 the First law of thermodynamics
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§4.3 The shift of a chemical equilibrium §4.2 The application of the standard equilibrium constant §4.1 The standard equilibrium constant §4.5 Gibbs function §4.4 Spontaneous reactions and entropy
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§4.3 The shift of a chemical equilibrium §4.2 The application of the standard equilibrium constant §4.1 The standard equilibrium constant §4.5 Gibbs function §4.4 Spontaneous reactions and entropy
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2.1 Basic terms in thermodynamics 2.2 the First law of thermodynamics 2.3 Heat of a chemical reaction 2.4 the Hess's law
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§4.1 The standard equilibrium constant §4.2 The application of the standard equilibrium constant 4.3 The shift of a chemical equilibrium 4.4 Spontaneous reactions and entropy §4.5 Gibbs function
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我的宗旨: To our students, whose enthusiasm and curiosity have often inspired us, and whose questions and suggestions have sometimes taught us Chemistry the central science Chemistry has often been called the central science, because a basic knowledge of chemistry is
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一、选择题(在下列各题中,选择出符合题意的答案,将其代号填入括号内) 1、下列关于催化剂的叙述中,错误的是() (A)催化剂只能加速自发进行反应的反应速率 (B)催化剂具有明显的选择性 (C)催化剂使反应活化能降低从而加快反应速率 D)催化剂的催化作用使逆向反应比正向反应速率大大增加 2、HCO3的共轭碱是() (A)CO3 (B)H2CO3 (C)H+ (D)+
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Across 1. A metal used in batteries but not pencils 2. This element is found in the most odorous compounds 3. Its aqueous 2+ ion has a characteristic blue color 4. Bananas are rich in its cation 5. The noble gas with the second-lowest densi 6. Its hydride is the most common basic gas
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一、选择题 1.某晶体的晶轴长短和晶轴夹角有如下关系=b=c,a=B=y,则下列判断中正确的是………() (A)一定属于立方晶系 (B)一定属于三方晶系 (C)属于立方晶系或三方晶系 (D)属于正交晶系
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