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Multiple Choice If one person can perform a task in fewer hours than another, you know the person has in performing the task. a. an absolute advantage. b. a comparative advantage. C. both a comparative advantage and an absolute advantage. rd. neither an absolute nor a comparativ advantage
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一正交矩阵的定义与性质 1.定义 若n阶方阵A满足A'A=E,则称A为正交矩阵 2.性质 (1)=±1;(:'=e,A'A=1,a=1) (2)A,B为正交矩阵,则AB也是正交矩阵; (:(AB)(AB)=B'(A'A) B=B'B=E.) (3)A是正交矩阵A-1=A;AA=E) (4)A是正交矩阵A也是正交矩阵;
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第一章初等数学 一、初等代数 1.乘法公式与因式分解 1(a±b)2=a2±2ab+b2 2.(a+b+c)2=a2++b2+c2+2ab+2ac+2bc 3.a2-b2=(a-b)(a+b) 4.(a±b)3=a3±3a2b+3ab2±b3
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复数定义设有一对有序实数(a,b),遵从下列运算规则: 加法(a1,b1)+(a2,b2)=(a1+a2,b1+b2) 乘法(a,b)(c,d)=(ac-bd,ad+bc) 则称这一对有序实数(a,b)定义了一个复数a,记为 a=(a,b)=a(1,0)+b(0,1), a称为a的实部,b称为a的虚部
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一、两个事件的独立性 定义若两事件A,B满足(AB)=P(A)P(B) (1)则称A,B独立,或称A,B相互独立注:当P(A)>0,P(B)>0时,A,B相互独立与A,B互不相容不能同时成立.但与S既相互独立又互不相容(自证)定理1设A,B是两事件,且P(A)>0,若AB相互独立,则(AB)=P(A).反之亦然定理2设事件A,B相互独立则下列各对事件也相互独立:A与B,A与B,A与B
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1.(05-1-04)设a1,a2,均为3维列向量,记矩阵 A=(a,a2,a),B=(a+a2+a3,a+2ax2+4ay,+3a2+9a) 如果A=1,那么B=
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2007年9月笔试试卷参考答案 一、选择题 (1)D)(2)B)(3)C)(4)A)(5A)(6)D)(7)C)(8)A) (9)B)(10)A)(11)B)(12)A)(13)D)(14)C)(15)A)(16)A) (17)A)(18)A)(19)B)(20)C)(1)B)(22)D)(23)C)(24)A) (25)B)(26)B)(27)C)(28)A)(29)D)(30)A)(31)D)(32)B) (33)D)(34)A)(35)B)
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Axiom Schemata for F Axiom Schema 1 A ∨ A ⊃ A Axiom Schema 2 A ⊃ (B ∨ A) Axiom Schema 3 A ⊃ B ⊃ (C ∨ A ⊃ (B ∨ C)) Axiom Schema 4 ∀xA ⊃ Sxt A where t is a term free for the individual variable x in A Axiom Schema 5 ∀x(A ∨ B) ⊃ (A ∨ ∀xB) provided that x is not free in A
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The Fourth method: Definition a dictionary will give you two different definitions of the word definition: ( \a statement of what a thing is\and(2)a\a statement or explanation of what a word or phrase means or has meant. \ In the strict sense a definition as we shall use the word here is not of a thing. but of a word or of a process The process of making a definition is not, however, a mere game of words. It is clear that we cannot make a usefu
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阶段测试题(四)参考答案 一、单项选择题:(每题1分,共10分) 1.A2.B3.a4.C5.D 6.D 7.A 8.a9.d 10.B
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