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1 光程是 (A)光在介质中传播的几何路程. (B)光在介质中传播的几何路程乘以介质的折射率. (C)在相同时间内,光在真空中传播的路程
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概述 风湿病( rheumatism)是一种与咽喉部A组乙型溶血性链球菌感染有关的 变态反应性疾病。主要侵犯结缔组织,以形成风湿小体为其病理特征。最常累及 心脏、关节、皮肤、皮下组织、脑及血管等,以心脏病变最严重
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分离气体混合物吸收;分离液体混合物-蒸馏与萃取 一、取适用范围 相对挥发度a=1的液体混合物(或两相沸点接近)另外还适用于蒸馏的热稳定性很差的物 质、分解或聚合、用萃取分离。如:从发酵液中提取青酶素、咖啡因。 如组分浓度很稀,且沸点较高,用液液萃取较为合适。 如从醋酸水溶液中分离醋酸;从稀醋酸水溶液制备无水醋酸。(因为醋酸浓度很低,用水蒸气 蒸馏、需能量很高,经济上不合理,用萃取合适。如:多种金属物质的分离、钴一镍分离等
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73.1 Signal Detection General Considerations. Detection of Known Signals.Detection of Parametrized Signals. Detection of Random Signals Deciding A mong Multiple Signals. Detection of Signals in More General noise rocessesRobust and Nonparametric Detection Distributed and Sequential Detection. Detection with Continuous-Time Measurements 73.2 Noise Statistics of Noise. Noise Pow owerect of Linear Transformations on Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density White, Gaussian
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一.一般构成: A.神经元(Neuron)传导电冲动。 B.神经胶质细胞(Neuroglia):有支持作用,并为神经元营造必要的工作环境
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1 一个质点作简谐运动,振幅为A, 在起始时刻质点的位移为 ,且向x轴 正方向运动,代表此简谐运动的旋转矢量 为( )
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The term computer graphics refers to the generation,representation, manipulation, processing, and display of data by a computer. Computer-generated images may be real or imagined, animated or still, two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D).Today most computers, particularly those in the PC,Macintosh, or workstation categories
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康普顿效应是说明光的粒子性的另 一个重要的实验。 1922-1933年间康普顿(A.H.Compton )观察X射线通过物质散射时, 发现散射的波长发生变化的 现象
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36.1Magnetism Static Magnetic Fields- Time-Dependent Electric and Magnetic Fields. Magnetic Flux Density. Relative Permeabilities.Forces on a Moving Charge. Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Maxwe Equations-Dia- and Paramagnetism. Ferromagnetism and Geoffrey Bate Ferrimagnetism. Intrinsic Magnetic Properties.Extrinsic
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Computer networks are geographically distributed collections of communication links and switching proces￾sors, the purpose of which is to transport data between computers, workstations, and terminals. In general the elements of a computer network must follow compatible rules of operation together to function effectively. These rules of operation are known as protocols
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