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Please read the package and think about Which replies are good and why? Which replies are bad and why? Is a reply always better than none? What do the companies get out of this?
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Complaint management is an Investment Cost of customer acquisition vs retention Loyal Word of mouth(p positive or negative) Information for design changes Compensation may exceed price
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The fox case Room for one more a number of changes make it easier to enter Chapter transmission technology More syndication More independent stations Demographics makes the young niche larger The networks have a hard time defending
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In a service company, important parts of the productare being designed by the front liners every time they serve a customer They are uniquely positioned to read customer needs. You need to provide them with information(about costs)and Incentives
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The wheel of retailing Gain entry with low prices Gain trust and loyalty Add offerings and raise prices Differentiate from new no-frills entrants
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Reputations can create value in B-to-B markets and support diversification Brands create more value if the products are frequently purchased and in high involvement categories
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Reputations can create value in B-to-B markets and support diversification Brands create more value if the products are frequently purchased and in high involvement categories
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Carleton(arl)S. Fiorina是惠普公司 的主席,总截和首席执行宫。两次被福布 斯》杂志评为美国经济界的最有权力的女性 也被看作是美国成功女性的代表人物
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1、研究方法( methodology) 哲学层面上的研究方法只有两种:归纳与演绎 (1)归纳法(epagoge) 通常采用“穷尽情景”的思路来证明一个命题/假设
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各产业结构各不相同。产业的细分市场也和产业一样各有其 自身的结构;在产业中的各部分,五种竞争作用力的实力往往也各 不相同。细分市场还常常涉及不同的买方价值链和(或)企业很好 地为此市场服务所需的价值链。因此,产业的各细分市场常常在 结构吸引力和所需竞争优势上差别很大。企业所面临的关键战略 问题是:(1)在产业中何处进行竞争;
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