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目的要求: 一、了解不孕症病因, 二、熟悉不孕症的检查及要求, 三、了解治疗原则
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一、胎儿期 二、新生儿期 三、儿童期 四、青春期
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一、定义 1 功能失调性子宫出血(dysfunctional uterine bleeding DUB)是一种常见的妇科病。 2 由于调节生殖的神经内分泌机制失常,引起的异常子宫出血,又称功能性子宫出血(功血). 3 全身及内外生殖器官无器质性病变存在
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子宫内膜癌又称宫体癌,是指发生于 子宫内膜的一组上皮恶性肿瘤,以来源于 子宫内膜腺体的腺癌最常见,故亦称子宫 内膜腺癌。 是女性生殖道 常见的三大恶性肿瘤 之一,近年发病率在 世界范围内呈持续上 升趋势,多见于老年 妇女
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Definition gestational trophoblastic disease(GTD)is a group of disease originated from placental villose trophoblastic cells, including hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, choriocarci- noma and a kind of less common trophoblastic cell tumor in placenta
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Complaint: Menstrual pain for 3 years Present history e Three years ago, she started to feel pain in lower abdomen and lumbosacral (# BLE )area during menstruation. The a pain has been worsening progressively. In addition,she has heavy men
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Case patient xxx, female, 35 years old Symptom: amenorrhea for47days; spot vaginal bleeding for days; sudden abdominal pain for 2 hours. Signs: Bp 12/8Kpa, P 120 times/min, abdominal tenderness and rebound tenderness(+); sharp pain on motion of the cervix
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Definition Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB): Abnormal uterine bleeding with no demonstrable organic causes. A diagnosis of exclusion
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