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第一节 需求和需求变动 第二节 供给和供给变动 第三节 均衡价格 第四节 需求和供给弹性
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第九章销售与收入 主要内容: 一、销售业务概述 二、收入确认标准 三、销售收入核算方法 四、信用政策 五、应收帐款、应收票据核算 六、坏帐核算方法
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• 第一节 国民生产总值(GNP)的概念 • 第二节 经济的收入和支出 • 第三节 国民收入的两种核算方法 • 第四节 一些重要的恒等式
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1.掌握前置胎盘、胎盘早剥的护理评估与 护理措施 2.理解前置胎盘、胎盘早剥的临床表现及 处理 3.理解前置胎盘、胎盘早剥的诊断 4.关心体贴病人,指导病人预防感染
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❖ 掌握流产与异位妊娠的护理措施 ❖ 掌握妊娠高血压综合征的病理、临床表现护理措施 ❖ 理解流产、异位妊娠的临床表现及处理原则 ❖ 了解流产、异位妊娠,妊高征的概念及病因 ❖ 细心观察病情变化,关心体贴病人 ❖ 流产 ❖ 异位妊娠 ❖ 妊娠高血压综合症
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案例1 某涂料厂生产丙烯酸系列内、外墙涂料,质检科长说他们的产 品分别执行国家关于内、外墙涂料的两份通用标准。但是该厂涂料 有十多个品种,其产品说明书声称各种指标参数分别高干国家标准 的规定,并且价格也高低相差十余倍。 该厂提供了每年按国家标准规定做的型式试验报告,但没有说 明是送哪个品种去做的型式试验,报告仅记录了按国标要求各项参 数结论为“合格”,但没有提供高于国家标准要求的试验证据
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复习 1.下列哪项辅助检查,不能诊断早期妊娠() A宫颈粘液检查B基础体温测定 C基础代谢测定D黄体酮试验 E超声检查 2.胎盘的功能,错误的是() A供给氧气B供给营养 C供给血液D防御功能 E合成功能
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Please print out this problem set and record your answers on the printed copy. Answers to this problem set are to be turned in at the box outside by 4: 10 Wednesday, October I Problem sets will not be accepted late Solutions will be posted on the web October 2
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Bob, a student taking 7.012, looks at a long-standing puddle outside his dorm window Curious as to what was growing in the cloudy water, he takes a sample to his TA, Brad Student. He wanted to know whether the organisms in the sample were prokaryotic or eukaryotic
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Many intracellular proteins are required to interact or bind to other macromolecules within a bind DNA. Such proteins often have conserved structural features, called motifs, whis at can cell in order to function properly. One class of such proteins is comprised of proteins tha interact with DNA. One such motif consists of two closely aligned a-helices(shown as cylinders below)that each have leucine-rich regions. This motif is referred to as a leucine
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