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#include void output(struct person*p) printf(\%-5s%3c%7d%8.1f\, p->name, p->sex, p->age, p->height) struct person*ptr, per[3]=(\#5\, F, 20, 180.4)
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1.设DCR,f:D→Rm为连续映射。如果D中的点列{}满足 kk=a,且a∈D,证明 lim f()(a)
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Chapter F10 Power notes Current Liabilities Learning Objectives 1. The Nature of current Liabilities 2. Short-Term Notes Payable 3. Contingent Liabilities 4. Payroll and Payroll Taxes 5. Accounting Systems for Payroll 6. Employees' Fringe Benefits 7. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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一、基本概念 Fourier级数定义:设f(x)是(-∞,+∞)上以2为周期的函数,且f(x)在[-n,]上绝对可积,称形如
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一、基本概念 1、函数序列的一致收敛性概念 设函数列{n}与函数∫定义在同一个数集D上,若对任意的正数ε,综存在一个正整 数N,使得当n>N时,对一切x∈D,都有 (x)-f(x)< 则称函数列{n}在D上一致收敛于f
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Chapter F8 Power notes Inventories Learning Objectives 1. Internal Control of inventories 2. Effect of Inventory Errors 3. Inventory Cost Flow Assumptions 4. Perpetual Inventory Costing Methods 5. Periodic Inventory Costing Methods 6. Comparing Inventory Costing Methods 7. Inventory Valuation Other Than Cost 8. Balance sheet Presentation of merchandise 9. Estimating Inventory Cost 10. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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ZLG/F文件系统简要说明 1概述 1.1ZLg/s简介 ZLG/FS是广州周立功单片机发展有限公司发的面向嵌入式系统开发的小型文件系统,是ZLG系列中间件的重要成员之一。它是与FAT12、FAT16、FAT32高度兼容的文件系统,可以直接与个人电脑交换文件。它是可移植的、可固化的文件系统,可以用于前后台系统,也可用于多任务环境
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57~71号15个元素位于周期表的,第六周期, IIIB族,是内过渡元素,f亚层电子0~14个间 ,价电子4f0~145d0~16s2,称为镧系元素;有 La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Pm、Sm、Eu、Gd、Tb、Dy 、Ho、Er、Tm、yb、lu
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Chapter F6 Power Notes Accounting Systems, Internal Controls, and Cash Learning Objectives Basic Accounting Systems 1234567 Internal Control Controls Over Cash Internal Control of Cash Receipts Internal Control of Cash Payments Bank Accounts: A Cash Control Bank Reconciliation
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一、选择题 1.d2.d3.d4.b5.b6.b7.c,8.a9.c10.c,d,f11.1d,c11.2a,d,f
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