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一、矩形波频谱及信号频带的定义 二、随机信号的统计特性和相关性 三、消息、信号、信息及其度量
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一、信道分类及信道特性分析 二、数字微波通信系统 三、数字卫星通信系统 四、数字光纤通信系统
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 4.1 绪论  4.2 电基本振子的辐射场  4.3 磁基本振子的辐射场  4.4 对称振子的辐射场  4.5 发射天线的电参数  4.6 接收天线理论  4.7 天线阵的方向性,均匀直线阵  4.8 二元天线阵  4.9 天线阵的阻抗
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检测单元的功能 检测单元的主要任务有两个, 即:识别工件材料和检测工件的尺 寸。在MPS系统中,它是将供料单刘增元提供的工件进行材料识别及尺寸辉的检测,并根据要求将满足条件的主工件通过滑槽送到下一个工作单元, 编对于不符合要求的工件在本单元中剔除
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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. VOL 50. NO. 1 JANUARY 2002 LDPC-Based Space-Time Coded OFDM Systems Over Correlated Fading Channels: Performance Analysis and Receiver design Ben Lu, Student Member, IEEE, Xiaodong Wang, Member, IEEE, and Krishna R Narayanan, Member: IEEE AbstrackWe consider a space-time coded (STC) orthogonal systems integrate the techniques of antenna array spatial diver-
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§3.1 阻抗匹配器与变换元件 §3.2 定向藕合元件 §3.3 微波谐振器 §3.4 微波滤波器与微波铁氧体元件简介
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INFORMATION TO USERS This manuscript has been reproduced from the microfilm master UMl filt the text directly from the original or copy submitted. Thus, some thesis dissertation copies are in typewriter face, while others may be from any type of coMm
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Introduction Frequency-selective fading is a dominant impairment in mobile communications Fading reduces receive signal-to-noise ratio and degrades the bit-error-rate(BER) Frequency selectivity of the channel, i. e, delay spread, induces inter-symbol interference(ISI) To combat frequency-selective fading
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Improving performance of coherent coded It can be shown that if the channel estimates are perfect(a1=a1, a2 OFDM systems using space time transmit a2)diversity can be achieved
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第8章加工单元的结构与控制 8.1加工单元的结构 8.1.1加工单元的基本功能 加工单元可以模拟钻孔加工及钻孔质量检测的过程,并通过旋转工作台模拟物流传送的过程
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