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Basic Probability Concepts: Sample Spaces and Events, Simple Probability, and Joint Probability(联合概率) Conditional Probability(条件概率) Bayesian Theorem(贝叶斯定理) .The Probability of a Discrete Random Variable .Binomial, Poisson, and Hypergeometric Distributions Covariance(协方差) and its Applications in Finance
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:342.5KB 文档页数:16
Statistical Thinking and Management Descriptive versus Inferential Statistics Types of Data and their Sources Types of Sampling Methods Types of Survey Errors
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一、基本抽样问题 1 基本概念 2 制定抽样计划的步骤 3 抽样误差与非抽样误差 4 概率抽样方法 5 非概率抽样方法
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一、集中趋势(Central Tendency) 1, What is the most typical value? The Average: typical value for quantitative data The Weighted Average: Adjusting for importance The Median: typical value for quantitative and ordinal data The Mode: typical value even for nominal data 2, What percentile is it? Extremes, Quartiles, and Box Plots The Cumulative distribution function displays the percentiles
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一、假设检验的基本概念 二、One- Sample Tests(单样本检验)
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Testing with Rank Sum Z Test for Differences in Two Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test for Differences in Two Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test for Differences in c Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test of Independence
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The Multiple Regression Model Contribution of Individual Independent Variables Coefficient of Determination Categorical Explanatory Variables Transformation of Variables Model Building
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The Payoff Table and Decision Trees Opportunity Loss Criteria for Decision Making Expected Monetary Value Expected Profit Under Certainty Return to Risk Ratio Decision Making with Sample Information Utility
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16.1基本放大电路的组成 16.2放大电路的静态分析 16.3放大电路的动态分析 16.4静态工作点的稳定 16.5射极输出器 16.6放大电路中的负反馈 16.7放大电路中的频率特性 16.8多级放大电路及其级间耦合 16.9差动放大电路 16.10互补对称功率放大电路 16.11场效应管及其放大电路
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21.1脉冲信号 21.2晶体管的开关作用 21.3分立元件门电路 21.4TTL门电路 21.5MOS门电路 21.6逻辑代数 21.7组合逻辑电路的分析与综合 21.8加法器 21.9编码器 21.10译码器和数字显示 21.10数据分配器和数据选择器 21.12应用举例
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