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Lecture 4 Explanation Paragraph or Cause-effect Paragraph Objectives To learn what an explanation paragraph is To learn to write an explanation paragraph effectively Writing instruction In an explanation paragraph, you need to explain how or why something happens. Very often in social studies class, you will be asked to explore
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Objectives To learn what choice paragraph is To learn to write a choice paragraph effectively In a paragraph where you have to make a choice, you need to choose which object, idea, or action sor events
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Explain or explore something, (e. g, process of make a machine, the causes of a natural or ocial phenomenon, the planning of a project, or a solution of a problem) Description mainly deal with appearance and feelings, and narration with events and experiences, unlike the two, the exposition mainly deals with relationships as well as processes
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Lecture 10 General Introduction of Argumentative Essay Objectives To learn how a composition is different from a paragraph To learn how to write a composition generally Writing instructions The purpose of argumentation is to convince. Argumentative essays should have a debatable point, sufficient evidence, and good and clear logic
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Yesterday, you interviewed two people for a job as Assistant manager in your office. Write two short letters, one to the person who got the job, and the other to the person who did not get it, telling them your decision. (Invent any details you need.)
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一、选择题 1、“教学随笔”类描述性的经验总结属于 A、具体经验总结B、一般性经验总结C、科学性经验总结 2、“你为什么来读书?请自由作答”,此问题属于 A、封闭式问题B、开放式问题 C、混合式问题
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第一节文献及其作用 第二节文献检索的过程和方法 第三节文献阅读与整理 第四节怎样写文献综述
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第一节观察法概述 “科学就在于用理性的方法去整理感性材料归纳、分析、比较、观察和实验是理性方法的 主要条件。”(马克思《神圣家族》,《马克思恩斯全集》第2卷第16页)与其他方法一 样,观察在科学研究中具有重要意义。教育技术学的研究成果当然是以观察为基础的。 观察是人类科学认识中的重要实践活动。作为一种科学方法,其手段和功能都是随着科学 的发展而发展的。观察法在教育技术研究中占有无可替代的重要地位
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▪ 了解市场、市场经济的含义、市场的类型 ▪ 掌握市场的构成要素、市场经济的特点 ▪ 理解价格在市场经济中的作用、价格调节经济的方式 ▪ 掌握搞好市场建设的基本措施
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景观生态学作为地理学和生态学的交叉学科,具有独特的生命力和高 度的综合性。与自然保护、规划、景观设计、野生生物学、土地评价、地理学、环境科 学、林学、农学等学科密切相关,尤其是目前的环境问题和社会问题与景观生态息息相 关,有着广阔的前景。每个人都处于景观中,其质量好坏息息相关
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