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A cargo shipper and the underwriter requested to insure a maritime risk requie some assurance that any particular vessel is structurally fit to undertake a proposed voyage.TO enable the shipper and underwriter to distinguish the good risk from the bad2a system of classification
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Components The strength deck, bottom, and side shell of a ship act as a box girder in resisting bending and other loads imposed on the structure. The main deck, bottom, and side shell also form a tight envelope to withstand the sea locally. The remaining structure contributes either directly to these
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set off, set out这两个短语动词都有“出发”和“动身”的意思 ,都可以解释为 start to move或 begin journey. 然而 set off的原义是使爆炸(cause to explode) set out的原义是着手做(begin work with the intention of achieving a particular aim). 注: set out在用来表示“着手做”(begin with definite purpose) 时,后面总是跟动词不定式
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本章概述 产生于20世纪初的分析哲学,继承实证主义传统,运用现代 数理逻辑和语言分析,拒斥形而上学,认为哲学的主要任务是对 语言表达式的描述和解释,或把复杂的概念分析为简单的概念, 阐明后者之间的关系;或通过对语言的逻辑分析而解决哲学问题 。它注重分析的方法,强调语言分析的重要性,反心理主义,否 认纯理智能获得关于实在的知识。它是20世纪西方哲学中的主要 思潮之一,在英语国家长期居于主导地位,除了在哲学领域的巨 大影响之外,还对文学、社会学、政治学等学科都产生了深刻的 影响
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Lesson Fifteen Skill Training Samples of the Outline of a Business Plan Sample 1 An Outline of a complete business plan Summary Business Concept
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Lesson Thirteen Creating an Effective Business Plan( Abstract: This article (including the following two texts) tells how to prepare a business plan. USually a business plan consists of the following structures: Introductory Elements, Business Description, The Market Development Production, Sales Marketing Management, Financials
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Lesson nine Requirement By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of D e-commerce terms given in the lesson writing a brief introduction to an organization or products
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Lesson eleven Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: two different writing methods of ads
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Lesson Seven Requirement By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of e-commerce terms given in the lesson writing skill s of letters of acceptance
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