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Definition (1) Econometrics: economic measurement. (2) Econometrics: the social science in which the tools of economic theory, mathematics, and statistical inference are applied to the analysis of economic phenomena. (3) Econometrics: the result of a certain outlook on the role of economics, consists of the application of mathematical statistics to economic data to lend
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67.1 Introduction 67.2 Power System Data Acquisition and Control 67.3 Automatic Generation Control Load Frequency Control. Economic Dispatch.Reserve K. Neil Stanton Monitoring. Interchange Transaction Scheduling Stanton Associates
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一、电子数据交换(EDI)的含义 电子数据交换(EDI: Electronic Data Interchange)开始于20世纪60年代,EDI的含义是指商业贸易伙伴之间,将按标准、协议规范工化和格式化的经济信息通过电子数据网络,在单位的计算机系统之间进行自动交换和处理,它是电子商业贸易的一种工具,将商业文件按统一的标准编制成计算机能识别和处理的数据格式,在计算机之间进行传输
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General Description hese devices need only one external com ation capacitor at the output. Tthe LM? aged in the to-220 power package and is capable applications requiring other voltages, see LM137 data 4 supplying 1.5A of output current These regulators employ internal current limiting safe area Features a Thermal, short circuit and sa tually all overload conditions
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一、均数向量与离差矩阵 二、协方差矩阵 三、相关矩阵 四、多元正态分布
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Textbook Data structure, algorithms, and applications in C++, Sartaj Sahmi 数据结构(用面向对象方法与C++描述),殷人昆等
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4.1 1D-Array 1. One-dimensional array 1D-array is a limited sequence composed of n (n20) elements which are of the same data type. For example:
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The purpose and contents of the course Introduce most used data structures and algorithms Prerequisite of other courses Introduce algorithm analysis Review C++
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第一节计算机数据采集系统发展概况 采用计算机对生产过程进行监视和测量的系统,一般称 为数据采集系统(Data Acquisition System简称DAS),或称为 计算机安全监视系统、计算机信息处理系统、数据采集监视 和处理系统等
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