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cell receptor when complexed with MHC,are called antigens. The molecular properties of antigens and he way in which these properties ultimately contribute to immune activation are central to our understanding of the mmune system. This chapter describes some of the molecu- Complementarity of Interacting Surfaces of Antibody(left) lar features of antigens recognized by B or T cells. The chap and Antigen(rig ter also explores the contribution made to immunogenicity by the biological system of the host; ultimately the biological system determines whether a molecule that combines with a a Immunogenicity Versus Antigenicity Bor T cells antigen-binding receptor can then induce an im
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defense system that has evolved to protect animals from invading pathogenic microorganisms and ancer. It is able to generate an enormous variety of cells and molecules capable of specifically recognizing and eliminat ing an apparently limitless variety of foreign invaders. These cells and molecules act together in a dynamic network whose omplexity rivals that of the nervous system. Functionally, an immune response can be divided into two related activities--recognition and response. Immune
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一、细菌的形态 二、细胞的大小 三、细胞的构造 四、细菌群体(菌落)的形态 五、细菌的繁殖 六、常见的细菌
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主要特征 1.结构复杂,绝大多数有根、茎、叶的分化; 2生殖器官为多细胞 3.生殖过程复杂,合子在母体中形成胚 4.大多为陆生
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第一章概述 一、植物分类学的内容与任务 二、植物分类的历史 三、植物分类的方法 四、植物分类的等级和单位 五、植物的命名
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Structural proteomics Structural proteomics has the goal o obtaining useful, three-dimensional models of all proteins by a combina- tion of experimental structure determination and comparative model building 10/272005 Chaoqun Wu, Fudan University
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通过本课程的讲授与学习,使学生掌握医学微生物学基本理论、基本 知识和基本技术,为学习其他基础医学和临床医学的相关学科打下基础。 本课程的内容分理论教学和实验教学两部分。医学微生物学理论教学内容又可分细菌总论、细菌各论、其 他微生物和病毒四个篇幅。分别阐述了多种微生物的生物学特性、致病性、免疫性以及所致病的诊断和防 治
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通过对绪论讲授,使学生对本门课程的有关基本概念、研 究内容与方法、学科特点、发展前景以及在本专业知识结 构中的地位和作用等有明确的认识。要求学生对组织学 胚胎学等名词有准确的概念,了解教学安排,掌握教学方 法,以认真的态度学好本门课
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第一节真菌的分类及生物学特性 第二节真菌的致病性 第三节真菌病的诊断与防治
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