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Concept of plant nutrition Plant nutrition is a term that takes into account the interrelationships of mineral elements in the growth medium as well as their role in plant growth
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Foliar fertilizer A foliar fertilizer is one that is applied to the surface of the plant. a Foliar uptake is important to aquatic plants and when nutrients are sprayed on foliage in horticulture and agriculture
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电解过程概述;阴极过程;阳极过程; 电解过程槽电压、电流效率和电能效率
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授業内容 1.腎臓(掌握) **ネフ口 nephron0組成上構造? **濾過膜? 2.尿路(自学)
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一、表皮 二、真皮 三、皮膚付属器 四、毛爪 五、皮脂腺 六、汗腺,汗器官
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一、介绍 1.《环境工程学》课程的性质 《环境工程学》是髙等院校环境类各有关专业的一门主要课程
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1.1市场与市场营销 一、市场及其概念 1.古代 日中为市,至天下之民,聚天下之货,交易而退,各得其所
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(1)熟悉公益性项目评价的概念及其与财务评价的区别; (2)掌握效益费用分析; (3)了解效果费用分析; (4)了解效用成本分析
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(1)了解不确定性分析的目的和意义; (2)掌握盈亏平衡分析方法; (3)掌握敏感性分析方法和步骤; (4)熟悉概率分析方法
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