Handout 1: Bode plot rules reminder Eric Feron Feb4,2004 General: Bode plot is to plot magnitudes using logarithm scale, phases using log scales. Indeed:
Handout 3: Gain and Phase Margins for unstable systems Eric Feron Feb9,2004 Gain and Phase Margins exist for all systems, including the unstable ones Examplel
Handout 19: More about Dual-input describing functions- Limit cycle stability analysis Eric Feron April 16, 2004 Dual-input describing functions for Toggle switch Another servo-motor application
Handout 15: Describing functions, Introduction Eric Feron March 31, 2004 General Philosophy General reponse of arbitrary nonlinear systems is somewhat complicated. We usually know the systems we work with. Work with finite families of 'most likely
Handout 18: Dual-input describing functions Eric Feron April 5,2004 Dual-input describing functions are for mixed signals(sinusoid small constant signal) Approximating non-constant signals with constant ones