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一、颜元,字易直,号习斋,生于公元1635年(明思宗崇祯八年),死于公元1704年(清康熙四十三年),河北博野人。 二、他的著作主要有《存治编》、《存性编》、《存学编》、《存人编》等
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戴震,字东原,生于公元1724年( 清世宗雍正元年),死于公元1777 年(清乾隆四十二年),安徽休宁 人。 他出身小商人家庭,自己早年也曾 从事于负贩,经常靠教书维持生活 。曾中乡举,但未考中进士。乾隆 时修《四库全书》,特召为纂修官 ,校订天算地理书籍。他对于天文 算学地理等自然科学都有研究,同 时更针对着当时占统治地位的官方 哲学提出了自己的学说
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一、哲学与中国哲学 二、哲学与哲学史 三、中国哲学史的历史
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Adams公司(B) 1995年1月4日, Adams公司中西部地区销售部经理 John Day 从 Chicago来到 Jerome Adam的私人办公室(位于First National Bank Building). Jerome AdAdam作为Adam家族的长辈,自从1994年1月从总 裁位置上退下来后仍担任着董事工作。他代表家族在公司四大分部的 利益,家族成员所持股票约占公司的10%至20%
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Content 1. SERI Introduction 2. The Chinese Objective of RE 3. Solar Energy Resources in Yunnan 4. Photovoltaic Utilization 5. Solar Thermal Utilization
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College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin300071) Abstract: This paper summed up the Course and the achievement of Chinese promoting Cleaner Production. It emphasized the creativity of mechanism of Chinas CP development in future, include to bring CP into its Social-Economical Development Program, to encourage local governments to promote CP, to encourage departments to support CP, etc Key Words: Cleaner Production, pollution control, sustainable development, creativity of mechanism
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re-class ActIvIty Discussion on the topic Pros and cons on t∨ Question 1 What effect does TV have on the Chinese family as a general rule? 2. What effect do you think TV has on the American family
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1. Besides the ways introduced in para1, what other traditional ways do you know the Chinese have to predict earthquakes Water in the well becomes muddy, Seismoscope/Seismograph invented by Zhang Heng Mice run in the street fearlessly 2. What is the most dangerous part in the earthquake to most people? Falling building
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1. Special in Guilin Guilin Three Treasures: Fermented Bean Curd; Chilli Sauce; Sanhua Liquor Guilin rice noodle Yao Minorities'Oil Tea Yangshuo beer fish Fish from the clear water of Li River, Lingchuan dog meat Lipu steamed port with taro Stewed duck with gingko nuts Guilin field snails
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