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第五章成本理论 [Theory of Cost] 第一节成本概念 第二节短期成本分析 第三节长期成本分析
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北京大学1999年研究生入学考试:微观经济学试题 一、解释并比较下列经济学概念(6分*5=30分) 1、规模经济(Economies of scale)与范围经济(Economies of scope 2、交易成本(Transactions costs)与沉没成本(Sunk cost) 3、纵向兼并(Vertical merger)与横向兼并(Horizontal merger) 4、不完善信息(Imperfect information)与不对称信息(Asymmetric information 5、基尼系数(Gini coefficient)和价格指数(Price index)
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How to make a better device Good performance faster and less power consumed Low cost more compact and use less area
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 6 Accounting for Merchandising Activities Self-Test L. True and False Questions The income statement of a wholesaler includes a deduction from revenue representing the cost
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An individual has a comparative advantage in the production of a particular good if she can produce it at a lower opportunity cost than other individuals. An individual has an absolute advantage in the production of a good if she can produce more of that good than another individual. using comparable amounts of time. raw materials and effort
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1. The principle of increasing opportunity cost, also known as the low-hanging-fruit principle, says that the least costly options should be exploited first, with more costly options taken up only after the least costly ones have been exhausted. At low prices, only those with low opportunity costs of producing the product would find it worthwhile to offer it for sale. As prices
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Profit Planning Profit Loss (Income Statement) Net Sales Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Gross Profit (Margin) Operating Expenses Net Profit Before Taxes
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一、证明cost,cos(2t),,cos(nt)(n为正整数),是在区间(0,2)的正交函数集,它是否是完备的正交函数集? 二、实周期信号f(t)在区间(-,)内的能量定义为 E=f2()dt
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Where we've been. Basic Skills:(Time value of money, Financial Statements) Investments: (Stocks, Bonds, Risk and Return) Corporate Finance: (The Investment Decision- Capital Budgeting)
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1. Dear sirs We refer to contract No 645 for 500 pieces of printed cotton. The contract was made on a cfr basis, whereas your letter of cred it stipulates CIF. This inconsistency must obviously be resolved To avoid any further delay in shipping, we suggest that we arrange the insurance cover. The premium will cost US$140 and we could deduct it from the 2% commission payable to you. The balance
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