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石河子大学:《食品化学》课程教学大纲 Food Chemistry(含实验大纲 Food Chemistry Experiment)
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Chapter 1 Separation processes-an overview A. S. GRANDISON and M. J. LEWIS Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Whiteknights PO Box 226, Reading, RG6 6AP 1.1 FOODS- THE RAW MATERIAL Food and drink play a vital role in all our lives, providing us with the nutrients essential
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甘肃农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(Food Microbiology)Chapter 4 Detection and Enumeration of Microbes in Food
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甘肃农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(Food Microbiology)Chapter 1 The Trajectory of Food M crob ology icrobiology
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甘肃农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(Food law)Chapter 11 Animal Welfare Regulations and Food Production
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甘肃农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(Food law)Chapter 10 Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Agricultural Crops and Food
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甘肃农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(Food law)Chapter 9 An Introduction to Kosher and Halal Food Laws
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甘肃农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(Food law)Chapter 8 Federal Trade Commission Regulations and the Food Industry
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甘肃农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(Food law)Chapter 7 OSHA Regulation and the Food Industry
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甘肃农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(Food law)Chapter 6 Environmental Regulations and the Food Industry
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