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F and partial diploids The F-factor in a Hfr chromosome can excise out to become an autonomously replicating plasmid If a segment of the chromosome becomes part of the F pp lasmid during excision, the new element is called an F plasmid
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About the final It will be in English. Try to answer in English as well. The problems are given in such a way that very short answers are needed. Chinese allowed if you can only read English
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Bacterial Genetics Key Requirements Understand how genetic mapping is achieved in bacteria: Co-transformation, F factor Hfr strain co-transduction and some understanding of phage genetics 2. Read the textbook and do the problem set at the back
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复旦大学:《细胞与医学遗传学实验》教学课件_实验(三)细胞损伤与保护——凋亡相关基因-Bax 在不同细胞中表达产物差异检测
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一、连锁 1、上世纪初W. Bateson和p.C. Punnett1(1906)用甜豌豆做了以下杂交:
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• 细胞电子显微镜检测 • 细胞活率测定 • 亚细胞结构的分离与鉴定
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复旦大学:《细胞与医学遗传学实验》教学课件_细胞损伤与保护实验(三)凋亡相关基因-Bax 在不同细胞中表达产物差异检测
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:109KB 文档页数:24
• 细胞电子显微镜检测 • 细胞活率测定 • 亚细胞结构的分离与鉴定
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