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1.体液与内环境 2.血液的组成和理化特性 4.血细胞及其功能 5.血液凝固 3.血浆 6.血型
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:10.07MB 文档页数:51
概述(Introduction) 2.气体交换与运输(Gas Exchang and Transpot) 3.呼吸运动的调节(Respiratory Regulation) 1.肺通气(Pulmonary Ventilation)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:682.5KB 文档页数:11
1.体温 2.动物的体温及其正常变动 3.机体的产热和散热过程 4.体温调节 5.外界温度对动物体温的影响
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1.骨骼肌的特性 2.骨骼肌的收缩 3.骨骼肌的收缩机理
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:7.02MB 文档页数:60
1.概述 2.下丘脑的内分泌功能 3.垂体 4.甲状腺 5.调节钙代谢的激素 6.肾上腺 7.胰岛 8.其它内分泌激素
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1.乳腺的结构和发育 2.乳 3.乳的排出及其调节
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:12.41MB 文档页数:51
1.Components and properties of blood 3. Physiology of blood cells 4.Hemostasis and Blood coagulation 2.Plasma 5. Blood Group
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1.Cardiac physiology 3.Microcirculation 4.Regulation of cardiovascular activity 2. Physiology of blood vessel
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Section 1 Introduction Section2 Ingestion Section3 Digestion in Mouth Section4 Digestion in Stomach Section5 Digestion in Small Intestine Section6 Digestion in Large Intestine Section7 Absorption
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Section1 Introduction Section2 Urine Formation Section3 Urinary Concentration and Dilution Section4 Factors Affecting Urine Formation Section5 Micturition
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