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The Enabling Environment For Free and Independent Media by Monroe E. Price & Peter Krug Sponsored by USAID Center for Democracy and Governance
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This work is distributed as a Discussion Paper by the STANFORD INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMIC POLICY RESEARCH SIEPR Discussion Paper No. 03- Confusing Success with Access: “Correctly” Measuring Concentration of Ownership and Control in Mass Media and Online Services
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Statistical and Economic Approaches to Legal History (Forthcoming in UNIV. OF ILL. L. REV. (2002)) Daniel Klerman USC Law and Economics & Law and Public Policy Research Paper No. 02-6 LAW AND ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER SERIES
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Washington & Lee Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper Series Working Paper No. 01-03 November 2000 ENHANCING THE SPECTRUM: MEDIA POWER, DEMOCRACY, AND THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS
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Regulatory Reform: The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the FCC Media Ownership Rules by Bruce M. Owen May 2003 Prepared for the Fourth Annual
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2.1多媒体计算机在教学中的应用 2.2多媒体电子出版物 2.3多媒体数据库 2.4网络中的多媒体 2.5习题
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一、广告策划 二、广告调查 三、广告定位 四、广告创意表现 五、广告预算 六、广告实施管理
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湖北大学:《新闻学概论》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第十三章 新闻媒介的受众
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:8.29MB 文档页数:54
一 文字的产生 二 图书的起源 三 早期的文字载体
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